This image is a chart comparing going to Northest Technical Institute and a 4 year school. In the first month of school at N T I, you're involved in total hands-on immersion training. At a 4 year school, lectures and general studies. 3 to 6 months later, through N T I, you graduate, get industry certification or licensure is earned. At a 4 year school, you are in lectures and general studies. One year later, through N T I you're in a new career, earning higher pay and benefits. At a 4 year school you're in lectures and general studies. 4 years later, after completing training at N T I, you've already been in your new career for 3.5 years earning on average $40,000 per year which means almost $160,000 earned. Going to a 4 year school, you're only just graduating and $50,000 to $100,000 in debt.